Power belongs to the people, but only the people that are informed, aware and determined to refuse any form of divisive tactics of politicians to deny them of their rights and privileges as bona fide citizens. I am not against politics, but am not a very good friend of politicians. ‘All politicians are liars’ even the ones that also profess pastoral calling.
Today I write to address my African brethren. We must know what time it is. Time to call them out and hold them accountable, all those that loot our common treasury and divert our common resources into personal accounts. I am for government which overpays teachers and underpays politicians, maybe then they will not sleep on duty and maybe they will not initiate retarded bills like the ‘hate speech’ nonsense.
The central government should be made weak, and the regional governments strong to encourage healthy competition and development. That is what regionalization is about. That is what resource control entails and that is the way for us to achieve a prosperous and developed Africa.
Although countries of the world have their respective issues and challenges, the countries of Africa are left much behind, unfortunately and that is hugely because the people are gullible. This holiday season, greedy politicians will be driving around in motorcades and flashing stolen money around; and instead of call them ‘high thieves’, we call them ‘high chiefs’. Take me back to the day when elders would ask a young man ‘where is your office and what business do you do?. How did you make your money?
We the people must rise up in unison and be the police for our common polity. Our countries need us and we cannot afford to sit idly behind waiting for an angel to come and hold crooked people accountable. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, and whether you call it hate speech or hating speech, I am not going to stop calling for mass action against looters of common wealth of the people in all of Africa.
We the people are tired of lies and deceit of politicians around election time, promises that will never be fulfilled, intended only to win the next election. Enough of thuggery and manipulating election results in order to get into office by all means. Enough of robbing Peter to pay Paul. The impunity, arrogance and greed of African politicians, if not checked pretty quickly, will leave the next generation wondering what our generation represents. We must hand over a continent for which our children should be proud. The way we are going, I don’t see that happen.
We the people must awake and arise from this stupor of ours. Rat cannot eat the fish of a child who is awake. The future of our children must no longer be mortgaged for the greed and avarice of present day politicians and people at the corridors of power must not forget posterity.
Arise oh compatriots, African’s call obey. Evil becomes norm, when good people keep quiet and refuse to condemn it vehemently. Speak up and speak out, or die a mute. The man dies in him that refuses to call things by their real names. We have chosen to call evil what it is, ‘EVIL’.
@MezieOkolo is the voice from diaspora