Reassess, Reorganize, Recoup and Reinvest
Reassess: Do an evaluation of how you stand, how far you have come, what worked, what didn’t work, decisions that were not ideal given your peculiarities etc. You must constantly do an assessment of your current situation and an analysis of the factors that may have been responsible for your wins and losses
Reorganize: Be ready to reorganize things and people based on the insight drawn from reassessment. You may have to move certain people to different positions, change certain people’s schedules, let certain persons work together for synergism of skills, fire certain people, end some contracts, sign other contracts etc. Reorganization gives your organization a chance to not do the same things the same way and expect different results.
Recoup: When you reassess and reorganize you create an opportunity for your organization to recoup some of the vigor, enthusiasm, synergism, or opportunities lost or missed so far. These internal changes could even recoup a lot of money too, directly or indirectly for your organization. Recouping gives you the avenue to harvest the benefits of reassessment and reorganization, whatever those benefits are. Recoup what you can and learn from what you cannot recoup.
Reinvest: You do not ever rest on your oars. You reinvest and repeat what works in a bid to expanding your reach and your scale of operations. This is how an organization grows. And the process of growth is not always fun. Sometimes it is painful and inconveniencing. If you wait for everything to be perfect before you reinvest, you will miss lots of opportunities. These things go in circles and over time you will be amazed that what began as a mere wish as you drove down the road one evening, has become a success story that everyone wants to be part of.
Today I pray that you receive insight and grace to execute what is in your mind as you pursue your dream. Don’t let that dream die in your subconscious mind. Follow your heart and have a blessed day.
@MezieOkolo is a Leadership and Public Health Analyst